After graduating in German and European studies at Sussex University, I trained as an EFL teacher and taught English in Vienna, Italy and Germany. I also completed a PGCE at Exeter University.
During the thirteen years I lived in Munich, I trained in Gestalt Therapy, Neurolinguistic Programming, Shiatsu and body therapies. My NLP qualifications include NLP Practitioner (I assisted on a number of practitioner courses after qualifying), Master Practitioner with Robert Dilts and Thies Stahl, The NLP Health Certification Programme (with Robert Dilts, Suzi Smith and Time Halbom) and NLP for Business with Sue Knight. I also attended and presented at a number of NLP conferences in Holland, London, San Francisco and Berlin.
During the thirteen years I lived in Munich, I trained in Gestalt Therapy, Neurolinguistic Programming, Shiatsu and body therapies. My NLP qualifications include NLP Practitioner (I assisted on a number of practitioner courses after qualifying), Master Practitioner with Robert Dilts and Thies Stahl, The NLP Health Certification Programme (with Robert Dilts, Suzi Smith and Time Halbom) and NLP for Business with Sue Knight. I also attended and presented at a number of NLP conferences in Holland, London, San Francisco and Berlin.
Since returning to England in 1990, I have attended a number of trainings in shamanic healing, learnt Thought Field Therapy and become a licensed trainer of HeartMath. I have completed a training in Mindfulness for Educators with Thich Nhat Hahn and spent a week at his retreat centre at Plum Village in France. I have studied Eye Movement Integration and created Eye Movement Neurointegration which combines EMI with breathing and relaxation as well as healing visualisations including inner child healing.
I have also attended The Hero’s Journey workshop with Robert Dilts and Steve Gilligan and trained with Steve in Generative Trance.
I offer a range of training courses which include Eye Movement Neurointegration for therapists, the NLP Wellbeing Coach Practitioner and the NLP Master Practitioner in Holistic Health as well as wellbeing workshops of various kinds (see the training and wellbeing consultancy pages).
I offer a range of training courses which include Eye Movement Neurointegration for therapists, the NLP Wellbeing Coach Practitioner and the NLP Master Practitioner in Holistic Health as well as wellbeing workshops of various kinds (see the training and wellbeing consultancy pages).
Wellbeing consultant
As a wellbeing consultant, I offer interventions to organisations that include Mindfulness at Work, Coaching and Communication skills, Eating for Health, Transforming Stress with HeartMath, Wellbeing for teams etc. Past clients include Barenbrug, the UEA, the Norfolk and Norwich hospital, various GP surgeries and PSS. I have given a number of talk / workshops on various aspects of health and mental health at the Norwich Wellbeing Centre and have offered online meditation and yoga sessions as well as team stress reduction workshops to Julian Support during the pandemic.
As a wellbeing consultant, I offer interventions to organisations that include Mindfulness at Work, Coaching and Communication skills, Eating for Health, Transforming Stress with HeartMath, Wellbeing for teams etc. Past clients include Barenbrug, the UEA, the Norfolk and Norwich hospital, various GP surgeries and PSS. I have given a number of talk / workshops on various aspects of health and mental health at the Norwich Wellbeing Centre and have offered online meditation and yoga sessions as well as team stress reduction workshops to Julian Support during the pandemic.
I have presented at a number at international conferences in San Francisco, London, Berlin, Belfast and Norwich. Please contact me if you wish to book me to speak at an event you are organising. Topics include wellbeing, neuroscience (for example the difference between the brain hemispheres), trauma and its treatment, new approaches to depression and anxiety, how to improve relationships at home and at work, conflict resolution, empowerment etc.
I have presented at a number at international conferences in San Francisco, London, Berlin, Belfast and Norwich. Please contact me if you wish to book me to speak at an event you are organising. Topics include wellbeing, neuroscience (for example the difference between the brain hemispheres), trauma and its treatment, new approaches to depression and anxiety, how to improve relationships at home and at work, conflict resolution, empowerment etc.
Author and poet
I have written poetry for many years. I believe that poetry can be uplifting and inspiring and I like to read selected poems to my therapy clients and trainees. You can read my poetry on the Speaking and Writing page.
I have written poetry for many years. I believe that poetry can be uplifting and inspiring and I like to read selected poems to my therapy clients and trainees. You can read my poetry on the Speaking and Writing page.
In addition to poetry, I have finished writing a book with the title: The Hero’s Path, changing the story of the world by reclaiming our true selves. This encourages us all to be heroes of our lives following the Hero’s Journey to fulfilment in service to the world.
In order to experience your own hero’s journey and gain inspiration you can sign up for a Hero’s Path Workshop. See the training page for details.
Articles I have written have been published in Resurgence magazine (web exclusive), the Green Parent, She Who Knows, Network Review (journal of the Scientific and Medical Network) and the Eastern Daily Press. (see Speaking and Writing page to access poetry and articles).
I have appeared in two BBC documentaries, one specifically about my eye movement therapy and the other on the theme of depression.
I have appeared in two BBC documentaries, one specifically about my eye movement therapy and the other on the theme of depression.
Interests and hobbies
I love walking, playing tennis, swimming, yoga and Qi Gong. Being outdoors makes me feel good and I love to connect deeply with nature. I enjoyed a week’s Forest Discovery in Scotland with Trees for Life and have visited the Knepp Estate which is a site of Rewilding as documented in Isabella Tree’s book, Wilding.
I love walking, playing tennis, swimming, yoga and Qi Gong. Being outdoors makes me feel good and I love to connect deeply with nature. I enjoyed a week’s Forest Discovery in Scotland with Trees for Life and have visited the Knepp Estate which is a site of Rewilding as documented in Isabella Tree’s book, Wilding.
Reading is a passion and I like to keep up to date with the latest developments in the field of wellbeing. A particular delight is spending time with my grandchildren visiting the places I used to enjoy going to with my son!