

Change is the end result of all true learning. Leo Buscaglia


Eagle flying over mist mountains in the morning


Join this life changing workshop to see and enact your life as a hero’s journey. You will discover:

Your calling – your life’s purpose.

The helpers who support you on your path.

Your strengths and inner resources.

How you can transform the ‘demons’ – the blocks and barriers (often limiting beliefs) that get in your way.

What the fulfilment of your purpose is and how you can celebrate your achievements.

How to bring ‘home’ all the wisdom you have gained on your journey and make it available to others.

Based on my book, The Hero’s Path, changing the story of the world by reclaiming our true selves, which draws upon the work of Joseph Campbell, this workshop runs over two weekends. The first weekend introduces you to the steps and stages of the Hero’s Path and helps you to relate them to your life. We will build a safe space for you to look deeply at your life so far through the lens of the Hero’s Journey. In the second weekend each participant has the opportunity to present their life as a hero’s pathway. You will be able to act out significant parts with the help of the group and use artwork, music and words to convey your experience as a hero. The concept of a  hero applies equally to men, women and people of any gender orientation.

Dates for 2024 TBA.


The Hero’s Journey weekend was an absolute privilege to be a part of. Sue’s ability to hold space for our group and help us bring our own Hero’s Journey to life was truly deep, magical, soul enhancing and life affirming. I felt at the end of the weekend that I had made an incredible leap forward in my life, witnessed and sponsored by loving members of the group. . . It takes someone as special as Sue Bayliss to lead and guide this journey, knowing that it is a safe and accepting place to come home to oneself. A transformative journey, I am changed.

Margaret J.

The Hero’s Journey weekend is a deeply profound and humbling experience.  .  . With her deep intuition and knowing, Sue creates the psychologically safe conditions for a moving and enriching experience as we become the heroes our lives intended. It is an experience that will stay with me forever and one from which I will continue to draw inspiration.

Ben C.

The love and safety in the group allowed for truth, trust and emotion to flow. The group was encouraging and supportive in presenting my own journey and it was incredibly humbling to hear the Heroes Journeys of others. . . The whole NLP course has been life changing for me and the pinnacle has been the beauty that was the Heroes Journey weekend.

Bea G.

Inspirational and life changing, the Hero’s journey experience is like finally coming home to your true, authentic best self.

Debbie M.



Would you like to learn how to:

Develop greater positivity, resilience and wellbeing in your life?
Become a highly effective communicator  and enjoy better relationships?
Effect change easily and comfortably in yourself and others?
Be true to yourself and fulfil your life’s purpose?
Apply the latest science of wellbeing to your life and the lives of others?
Become a great coach?

Embrace a new calling as a Wellbeing Coach to make a real difference to people’s lives?

On completing the course you will receive international certification as an NLP Practitioner and a Wellbeing Coach.

The skills you will learn can be applied in your family or within a work team and as well as in a coaching, medical, advisory or therapy setting.
The NLP Wellbeing Coach Practitioner is ideal for those who work in the areas of counselling, therapy, coaching, advising, training, teaching, social work, management, the medical profession as well as for people seeking leadership and management skills or ways to improve wellbeing in their workplace and family. And it’s fine if you just want the benefits for yourself and your loved ones.

It is spread over 8 weekends to enable participants to digest and practise in between sessions. This allows a supportive group to form and for the learning to be absorbed over time, leading to better retention and greater understanding and application of the material. I don’t work with large groups so there will be a maximum of 12 participants to guarantee optimal learning and support. There is no written homework between weekends though two short case studies are required for the assessment at the end of the course. You receive an NLP Practitioner certificate in association with the Global NLP Training and Consulting Community run by Robert Dilts, one of the founders of NLP. Your certificate also qualifies you as a Wellbeing Coach.

What people have said about the training: Fascinating, inspiring, stimulating, motivating. Lots of skills learnt and practised. Great, I got so much from every technique we learned. engaging, relevant to my work, thought provoking and about Sue as a trainer: Excellent, relaxed, focused, practical. Very easy going, made it easy to learn. Relaxed and clear, fun. Imaginative, amusing.

Having very nearly completed this course, with Sue and the wonderfully supportive group she brought together, I can recommend it to anyone who is interested in learning about how NLP can help you and others to live your best life. It is such a practical course, with opportunities to explore sessions in more depth with suggested reading when you want to, but not lots of time consuming reading and written assignments. I set out on this course purely to help myself, but each weekend I have learnt new skills that link to so many different aspects of my home and work life. I have found the confidence, that Sue has helped me develop, has encouraged me to use my new knowledge to support others and I’m even considering private practice in the future!


The training will consist of eight weekends, Saturday and Sunday from 9.30 for 10.00 am start, finishing at 5.00 pm each day. All weekends will take place at the Norwich Wellbeing Centre, 15 Chapelfield East, Norwich, NR2 1SF.


20th, 21st July 2024

24th, 25th August 2024

28th, 29th September

26th, 27th October

16th, 17th November

30th Nov, 1st December

14th, 15th December

18th, 19th January 2025

Cost: £230 per weekend. There is a discount for payment of the whole amount in advance, £1650 (instead of £1840). You can also pay via standing order over 8 months, £230 each month. Payment over 12 months is £150 per month. Other arrangements are possible. Please call me to discuss financial arrangements on 07595035191. If you cannot attend a weekend, a catch- up session with me can be booked at no extra charge.

To reserve your place please contact Sue Bayliss, 07595035191 or email me:

Content of the course includes:

  • Two models that make the application of NLP skills easier and more effective. The RESOLVE model from Richard Bolstad and the Axes of Change created by Michael Hall.
  • History of NLP, Score dance and NLP Presuppositions.
  • States: how to access positive states of mind and emotion and how to anchor them so they can be recalled at will. How to shift from negative to positive states.
  • Centering and grounding as resourceful states. State of excellence.
  • Reading body language and understanding the auditory, visual and kinesthetic language.  Representational systems.
  • Building true rapport by tuning in to others, presence and empathic response.  Deep listening.
  • What makes us happy? The science of Positive Psychology and how it applies to NLP.
  • The mind body connection. The latest research and its relevance to helping people. Psychoeducation. What really causes depression and anxiety with reference to Lost Connections by Johann Hari.
  • Understanding a client’s world with reference to the themes of power, self, others, time and worldview.
  • Coaching, what is it and its principles for client and coach.
  • Outcomes, and why they are important. The Well- formed Outcome and Imagineering (created by Robert Dilts).
  • Finding creative solutions, The Disney Strategy and visioning.
  • A range of powerful change techniques such as, reframing, metamodel challenges, 3 positions (brilliant for improving relationships), timelines, opening up the client’s model of the world, Mind to Muscle, parts integration, cultivating self-care and kindness to self, supporting self with 3 mentors and more!
  • The use of trance, Generative Trance created by Steve Gilligan, and how to cultivate the language of trance. Metaphors, stories and symbols. How they can provide healing.

You will work in pairs and groups of three to practise all the skills under supervision and apply them all the way through the course. There is a practical assessment at the end and two case studies need to be written and submitted. You will work on your own problems and challenges so that you experience the true power of NLP to make a difference to your life.

You can use the skills in your life and work or you may want to change career to become a Wellbeing Coach and work one to one or in groups to help people overcome their blocks and barriers and create the life they want.



Take your NLP training to the next level!


Dates for 2025:

22nd, 23rd February

22nd, 23rd March

26th, 27th April

24th, 25th May

28th, 29th June

19th, 20th July

6th, 7th September

One further weekend tba.

This training, over eight weekends, will give you all that you need to create a successful holistic wellbeing coaching practice.

What’s more, you will undergo a profound self-development journey in a safe and supportive setting. This course is totally unique as it combines the science, the practical skills (NLP and others) and the power of spiritual experience to facilitate healing and flourishing, going way beyond ‘fixing’ to allow people to be heroes of their lives, fulfilling their calling and bringing forth their gifts. Indeed, the Hero’s Journey weekend has proved to be life changing for previous participants. What helps you to flourish will surely help others.

Each participant will undertake a project of their choice to show their application of NLP in the area of wellbeing. It could be running a workshop, writing some case studies, integrating NLP into your work in some way with colleagues, children in the classroom (eg: devising ways to help them be calm in exams), applying the learning to your own life and recording it via video or writing. The final weekend will include presentations from each person to show what you have done as well as a written record (short!).

Weekend 1 – Holistic Health, the mind body heart gut connection 

Content to include: stress, immunity, epigenetics, the role of the heart, your microbiome, the autonomous nervous system, breathing practices, HeartMath and an exploration of the holistic approach to wellbeing.

Weekend 2 – Releasing trauma and changing limiting beliefs through Eye Movement Neurointegration – the most effective technique you will (ever?) learn.

Content to include: the neurobiology of trauma and how it impacts beliefs and the self, how beliefs are formed and the key negative beliefs, the EMN procedure and practice. Revision of trance language and how to relax a client and teach them to breathe deeply. EMN is an approach I have developed myself formed of EMDR elements, Eye Movement Integration (NLP version) and Generative Trance together with deep relaxation and inner child healing. It is hugely effective in releasing trauma, phobias and any limiting belief.

Weekend 3 – Steve Gilligan’s Generative Trance and the use of story, ritual and metaphor.

Content to include: revising the 3 minds, building resources and writing pledges, complementarity, the tetralemma, soul retrieval, dialoguing with symptoms.

Weekend 4 – Healing anxiety and depression the holistic way

Content to include: States of fight, flight and freeze, grounding, breathing practices, specific NLP techniques for fear of flying, social anxiety, phobias and performance anxiety. Depression – what works, the power of gratitude, remedies and dietary interventions for anxiety and depression. How to facilitate grief as a healing journey. Sleep, its benefits and how to get a good night’s sleep.

Weekend 5 – The Healing Power of love. Developing kindness and compassion for self and others and inner child work.

Content includes: the role of oxytocin, the science of compassion, meditation and gratitude, the healing power of touch, self-acceptance and why it matters, welcoming and integrating banished parts, healing the inner child. 4th and 5th perceptual positions, the forgiveness cancellation process. How to release identifications and create a letting go ritual.

Weekend 6 – Spiritual Practices and why they work.

Content includes: Connecting to nature and animals, yoga, Qi Gong, mindfulness, fasting, shamanic journeying, the Mandala of Being and more! The science of why such practices assist our wellbeing. We also examine the power of ritual and ceremony and how to help clients create their own.

Joseph Campbell’s concept of the Hero’s Journey – steps and stages and how to prepare for the following weekend.

Weekend 7 – The Hero’s Journey – creating and acting it with the help of the group.

Content includes: Preparing your own hero’s journey in the form of story and map (prior to the weekend) and then, with any props you need and assigning roles to other group members, acting it out. This is a profound experience and the culmination of your personal development during the training. We also consider how to use the Hero’s Journey model in coaching and therapy.

Weekend 8 – Project presentation and more

Content includes: In this final weekend each participant presents their project to show what they have learnt and achieved. We discuss how each person will continue their NLP journey and what support is available. Closing ritual and celebration.

Cost: Each weekend costs £230 and payment can be made via a standing order which can be extended over longer than the duration of the course if necessary. Over 12 months would be £155 per month or over 18 months £100 per month. Upfront payment is £1640 with a discount of £200.  Please discuss any financial considerations with me. Those repeating the training, if there is space, will pay £75 per weekend.

Absence: If you will miss one day or a whole weekend, you can plan in a catch-up session with Sue to make sure you can gain the appropriate knowledge. Given the nature of this course and the importance of group cohesion, I would encourage you all to do everything possible to attend all the weekends. The Hero’s Journey weekend cannot be experienced in any other way than by being present and EMN is best learnt on the weekend.  Please note: You need to pay for every weekend of the training whether you can attend or not. That enables your catch up. People repeating the course can pay per weekend, but I would prefer attendance at all weekends to facilitate the group process.

Projects: These will be discussed with me. Consider how you want to apply your learning in your life and work.

Any queries, please contact Sue on To register for this trainingplease email Sue. This is a popular training so please sign up for it without delay! 

Advanced NLP study days

For those who have completed either the NLP Wellbeing Coach Practitioner or the NLP Master Practitioner in Holistic Health I want to offer opportunities for you to refine your practice and learn some new skills. These themed days also give you the chance to connect again to those you got to know so well during your training and meet new NLPers.

I can’t guarantee that I will offer them again so it’s best to book on them now! Here they are!

Please note they will not take place at the NWC! I will provide lunch and all refreshments! Let me know any dietary requirements.

Cost: £70 per day.

Please email me to book your place and transfer the payment to me: 30 96 16, 00298452, Lloyds Bank


All at Beck Cottage, The Street, Corpusty, Norwich, NR11 6QP

  • 2nd March, 2024
  • Working with challenging clients
  • Bring your challenges and we will work out ways to proceed. We’ll cover themes like when and how to draw a client’s therapy to a close, how to deal with clients sent by someone else to be ‘fixed up’. Dealing with parents, partners etc. How far should we take charge of a session? Confront a client? Safety issues and when to report abuse. How to refer on and what to refer to. Etc.
  •  6th April, 2024
  • Adoption and abandonment
  • Based on the ground breaking book, The Primal Wound by Nancy Verrier we will examine the trauma of separation that occurs when a baby is removed from its mother and the kinds of limiting beliefs and behaviours that result. What effect does early separation have on a baby or child? We’ll consider clients that have been in incubators or had to have procedures in hospital or lost a parent through death.
  •  11th May, 2024
  • Depression as a neurodegenerative disease
  • We’ll look at some of the latest research into depression and how the nervous system is involved. What impact does depression have on the physical body? How can our approach as therapists / coaches be informed by the new research? I’ll base the day on the recent book by Philip Gold, Breaking Through Depression. We’ll also look at bipolar depression and what may work to help sufferers.
  • 1st June, 2024
  • Self care, self compassion
  • How well do you look after your needs as a coach? We’ll dive into self care based on kindness to self and look at how to teach your clients to be compassionate and caring towards themselves. We’ll consider diet and exercise and sleep as key components of caring for self as well as relationships, interests and beliefs.


  • Diagnostics and how to help clients.
  • We’ll look at ADHD, dyslexia, autism and the psychiatric diagnoses such as bipolar, schizophrenia and BPD. Which labels can be helpful and which are generally not? What are the signs to look out for to point a client towards possible diagnosis of ADHD or autism? What about narcissism? What is it and how can it be recognised?

        Eating Disorders and Body Dysmorphia

  • An examination of eating disorders as warring parts. How can they be reconciled?
  • A parts perspective on anorexia, bulimia and overeating.
  • Body image, how is it formed and affected by bullying, social media, adverts etc? Getting into the body instead of viewing it critically. Moving awareness from external to internal.

Eye Movement Neurointegration training.

This is a highly effective treatment for trauma (dispels symptoms of PTSD), phobias and releases any limiting belief. I put together elements of EMDR with Generative Trance, breathing and relaxation techniques and mind body healing visualisations. It works rapidly and with minimum distress to the client. Watch the film to see how it made a difference to Suzanne who made a full recovery from PTSD after witnessing a road traffic accident. The video is on the Home Page.

I taught the method to Palestinian professionals in Bethlehem in February of 2018 in association with the Holy Land Trust.

This training forms part of the NLP Master Practitioner in Holistic Health. However, therapists who are trained in NLP or Hypnotherapy can learn one to one with me if requested. The training will consist of two weekends or four days if coming from abroad or further away. Accommodation can be organised.

What is NLP and how can it help? Sue Bayliss explains from opl productions on Vimeo.