We live in confusing times. What should we eat to be healthy? How much exercise do we need to take? What impact do bad relationships have on our mental health? How do we keep stress to a minimum in our fast paced lives? What should we feed our children? How do we stop them from feeling bad about themselves as a result of social media pressure, school stress and body image problems caused by adverts and the like? How do we ensure that our sons develop empathy and respect for females?
Expert opinions differ but there are some basic ideas that can help us navigate this difficult territory.
Nutrition – what on earth can I eat that is healthy?
Exercise – make it easy and enjoyable and less is more.
Relationships – what makes a relationship work?
Life after divorce – how to get back on track.
Stress – how do we deal with it successfully?
Kids and family life – tips for happier times together.
Watch this space to get tips and ideas to improve your and your family’s wellbeing.